Let's go on an expedition to find unvisible invertebrates in 2005!

Tada-! You will find this today!

What you can learn from this activity: Insects living in the ground. Food chain existing in the ground.

When and where to do: Anywhere. Anytime, but winter is recommended.


Prepared by participants: pencil, scoop, magnifying lens,

Equipment by coordinator: Expedition team badges, leaflet, trays, scoop, hand made Berles funnel, microscope

Procedure: 1.Listen to an orientaion of insects and other invertebrates linving in the ground. 2. Go out, and look for insects. Examine found insects carefully. 3. Return with taking some soil and debris. 4. Use a Berlese funnel, and collect and examine tiny insects and other invertebrates like "Pikachu" with microscope.

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Pictures of the activity :


There are so many kinds of insects on the ground.


How tiny they are!


Among them, there are something like this.


Let's go out and get them!


What did you find?


"Ouch! You hit my body."


Did you collect soil?


Wow, it's centipade!


Still not found it. Now, hit them by light!


Finally we found it. They are cleaning soils and give nutrients to trees.

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